
Wynn's keeps you moving!

Petrol EGR 3

Cleaning Products

Wynn’s Petrol EGR 3 is an aerosol product developed for cleaning the air intake system of all petrol engines.

Diesel EGR 3

Cleaning Products

Wynn’s Diesel EGR 3 is an aerosol product developed for cleaning the air intake system of all diesel engines.

Formula Gold Engine Treatment

Oil Additives

Wynn's High Performance Engine Treatment is a chemical treatment completely soluble in oil that has a double action:
1) Increases compression
2) Reduces wear

Automatic Transmission Treatment

Oil Additives

Wynn's Automatic Transmission Treatment is an oil soluble supplement developed to stop and prevent leaks and ease shifting.

Engine Flush

Oil Additives

Wynn’s Engine Flush is a highly detergent concentrate, designed to clean all oil lubricating systems prior to oil change.

Power Steering Stop Leak

Oil Additives

Wynn's Power Steering Stop Leak is an oil soluble supplement to stop and prevent leaks in the power steering system.

Hydraulic Valve Lifter Concentrate

Oil Additives

Wynn's Hydraulic Valve Lifter Concentrate is an oil soluble supplement designed to restore efficient working of hydraulic valve lifters.

Stop Smoke

Oil Additives

Wynn's Stop Smoke is an oil soluble supplement designed to reduce exhaust smoke due to oil burning.

Oil System Cleaner

Oil Additives

Wynn's Oil System Cleaner is an oil soluble supplement cleaning and protecting the oil circulation system and preventing contamination of fresh oil by residues left behind.

Engine Oil Stop Leak

Oil Additives

Wynn's Engine Oil Stop Leak is an oil soluble supplement designed to stop and prevent engine oil leaks without dismantling.

Charge Oil Treatment

Oil Additives

Wynn's Charge® is a product which stops excessive oil consumption.


Oil Additives

Wynn's H.P.L.S. is a manual gearbox treatment which improves gear shifting, lowers gearbox noise and stops oil leaks.

Diesel Particulate Filter Regenerator

Fuel Additives

Wynn’s Diesel Particulate Filter Regenerator, for professional use, is a chemical treatment for diesel engines that clears blocked particulate filters and reduces soot emissions.

Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner

Fuel Additives

Wynn’s Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner, for consumer use, is a chemical treatment for diesel engines that reduces soot emissions, cleans and regenerates the particulate filter.

Diesel System Treatment

Fuel Additives

Wynn's Diesel System Treatment is an additive which improves the diesel fuel quality and combustion.

Petrol System Treatment

Fuel Additives

Wynn's Petrol System Treatment is an additive for petrol engines, which keeps the fuel system in optimal condition.

Lead Substitute

Fuel Additives

Wynn’s Lead Substitute is a treatment with dual action for petrol engines.

3XA for Petrol

Fuel Additives

Wynn's 3XA for petrol engines is a chemical treatment composed of combustion improvers and cleaning agents with triple action.

3XA for Diesel

Fuel Additives

Wynn's 3XA for diesel engines is a chemical treatment composed of cleaning agents and a cerium component with triple action.

Injector Cleaner for Diesel

Fuel Additives

Wynn's Injector Cleaner Diesel is an additive to improve the diesel fuel quality and combustion.

Injector Cleaner

Fuel Additives

Wynn's Injector Cleaner for Diesel Engines is a treatment, which increases engine performance, reduces black smoke and improves MPG.

Fuel System Cleaner

Fuel Additives

Wynn's Fuel System Cleaner is developed to maintain the cleanliness of the fuel system and reduce the octane requirement increase.

Diesel System Cleaner

Fuel Additives

Wynn's Diesel System Cleaner is a diesel fuel treatment developed to clean and lubricate pumps and injectors.

Dry Fuel

Fuel Additives

Wynn’s DRY FUEL is a product suitable for diesel and petrol engines developed to absorb water in the fuel system.

Cylinder Block Seal

Cooling System

Wynn's Cylinder Block Seal repairs cracks in cylinder blocks without dismantling.

Radiator Stop Leak

Cooling System

Wynn's Radiator Stop Leak is a sealing product to stop small leaks in the cooling system, with anti-corrosive properties.

Radiator Flush

Cooling System

Wynn's Radiator Flush is a concentrate to clean automotive cooling systems.

Cooling System Stop Leak

Cooling System

Wynn's Cooling System Stop Leak is a product designed to stop small leaks in the radiator and cooling system, with anti-corrosive properties.

Cooling System Flush

Cooling System

Wynn's Cooling System Flush is a concentrated product designed to thoroughly clean all automotive cooling systems.


Equipment & Fluids

Wynn's FuelServe® is an independently 12 V operating apparatus which effectively cleans injection systems of petrol and diesel engines without disassembly and during engine running.

Injection System Purge

Equipment & Fluids

Wynn's Injection System Purge is a cleaning product to remove dirt and deposits from petrol injection systems and to clean inlet valves and ports without disassembly.

Diesel System Purge

Equipment & Fluids

Wynn's Diesel System Purge is a cleaning product to eliminate dirt and deposits in diesel injection systems. It has to be used with the Wynn’s RCP, FuelServe or FuelsystemServe equipment.

Aircomatic III

Equipment & Fluids

Wynn’s Aircomatic® III is an equipment to be used with the products Wynn’s Airco-Clean® Ultrasonic for Cars and Wynn’s Air Purifier for removal and prevention of bad odours in air-conditioning systems and vehicle interiors.

Airco-Clean Ultrasonic for Cars

Equipment & Fluids

Wynn’s Airco-Clean® Ultrasonic for Cars stops bad odours in air conditioning systems.


Service Products

Wynn's Viscotene is a strongly adhesive and high viscosity synthetic lubricant.

Chain Lube

Service Products

Wynn's Chain Lube is a strongly adhesive water repellent lubricant with high penetrating properties.

Tyre Fix

Service Products

Wynn's Tyre Fix is a latex based product, packed in a pressurized spray can, for fixing and inflating punctured tyres.

Silicone Lubricant

Service Products

Wynn's Silicone Lubricant is a silicone based lubricant.

Super Rust Penetrant

Service Products

Wynn's Super Rust Penetrant is a multifunctional lubricant and penetrating oil.

Brake and Clutch Cleaner

Service Products

Wynn's Brake and Clutch Cleaner is a powerful spray product for cleaning and degreasing of mechanical parts.

Direct Injection Power 3

Service Products

Wynns Direct Injection Power 3 is a aerosol based product developed for cleaning the air intake of direct injection petrol engines. Direct Injection Power 3 provide immediate cleaning of the air intake system and inlet valves, is easy to use and restores or maintaines the engines performance, eliminates and avoids any starting problems and improves acceleration properties.

Air Intake & Carburettor Cleaner

Service Products

Wynn´s Air Intake & Carburettor Cleaner is a cleaning product in aerosol to eliminate dirt and deposits in the air intake manifold, on the throttle valve and on the visible carburettor parts.

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